Cosimo has published with several magazines and publishers. Cosimo writes short-stories, poetry slam, and plays.





The following is a selection of texts…

  • Kee Signal  in Nos Cahiers.
  • Of Coin Crunch and Menthol Water  in Solarpunk Magazine
  • Jelliskäpp  in Les Cahiers Luxembourgeois
  • Usazlinnen  in Aner Welten
  • 777  in Aner Welten

Cosimo self-published a novella in Luxembourgish. D’Séissel vun der Guillotine  is a heist story set in an alternate Luxembourg, where gigantic doors to other dimensions exist above big cities. The novella is available as e-book on Amazon.

Cosimo also received the 2021 Chrysalis Award for Luxembourg: an award dedicated to emerging writers in the speculative fiction genre. He also won the first Luxembourgish slam competition in September 2021, organized by Géisskan Kollektiv and represented Luxembourg in Brussels at the European Slam Poetry Championship.

Cosimo also edits an online fanzine of speculative fiction; the first of its kind in Luxembourg: Aner Welten